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Aanrader als je een hypotheek nodig hebt in Portugal

Super snel geholpen door Jacqueline Moulen. Zeer prettig contact. Zij hebben erg veel kennis van de Portugese hypotheekmarkt. Aanrader als je een hypotheek nodig hebt in Portugal.

Jacqueline Moulen Senior Mortgage Adviser

Holds a Masters/MBA degree in International Business Administration and has a thorough background in finance and business. Using her skills to grow Mortgage Direct's Collaboration department. Fluent in several languages including Portuguese and German.

Complete my mortgage affordability-check form

Mortgages taken out in currencies other than the currency in which you earn are considered Foreign Currency Mortgages. Changes in the exchange rate may therefore increase the equivalent value of your debt. Under the Mortgage Law 5/2019 banks in Spain have introduced mechanisms to protect consumers from exchange-rate risk. For more information, please speak to your broker.

Mortgage Direct, S.L. is a company registered in the Registro de Intermediarios de Crédito Inmobiliario del BdE with the nº D108.

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