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The challenges of mortgage regulation in Spain: Impact on HNW clients

Mortgage regulation in Spain continues to be a significant topic of discussion. Despite being nearly three years since the ‘Ley Hipotecaria’ was introduced, banks are still grappling with compliance. The Bank of Spain is transitioning from the implementation phase to the regulatory phase, focusing on monitoring regulated entities and clamping down on unregulated intermediaries.

How does mortgage regulation affect non-euro earners?

The mortgage law has notably impacted the range of products available for non-Euro earners seeking finance in Spain. To protect consumers from exchange rate risks, banks must offer clients the option to convert their mortgage from Euros to their earning currency if the exchange rate differs by more than 20%. This regulation has led some banks to withdraw products for non-Euro earners, while others have modified their offerings.

Mortgage regulation options in Spain for non-euro earners

Most banks have now determined which currencies they are comfortable with. As of now, both variable and fixed-rate mortgages are still available to clients earning in major currencies. However, high-net-worth (HNW) clients earning in less common currencies may face challenges, as many Spanish banks do not accept these currencies.

Solutions for High-Net-Worth clients

Private lenders, many of which are located outside of Spain, offer a viable solution for HNW clients earning in currencies not accepted by Spanish banks. These lenders are not subject to the same regulations, providing more flexibility for clients.

Looking ahead

As travel continues to open up, we expect further developments in this evolving situation. We will keep you updated on how these changes impact mortgage regulation in Spain.

For more information or to discuss your mortgage needs, feel free to contact us.

Howard SteelMD Premier Mortgage Consultant

Fluent in Spanish and English, and holding UK and Spanish regulatory qualifications for mortgage advice. He spent several years at a large Spanish bank. He now advises MD Premier's HNW & UHNW (Ultra High Net Worth) clients. Expert in large transactions requiring bespoke solutions for complex borrower structures.

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Mortgages taken out in currencies other than the currency in which you earn are considered Foreign Currency Mortgages. Changes in the exchange rate may therefore increase the equivalent value of your debt. Under the Mortgage Law 5/2019 banks in Spain have introduced mechanisms to protect consumers from exchange-rate risk. For more information, please speak to your broker.

Mortgage Direct, S.L. is a company registered in the Registro de Intermediarios de Crédito Inmobiliario del BdE with the nº D108.

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